

Hai Via, Apa Kabar? (Bagian 1)

Posted by Alviana Afifah at 7:35 AM 0 comments
Hai Via di tahun 2023, apa kabar? 
Apa yang sedang kau lakukan sekarang? Aku menulis time-capsule letter ini di tahun 2013, kau masih ingat? Aku ingin memastikan sesuatu. I'm about to remind you something you had ever done in the past, are you excited now?

Oh iya, mungkin kau sedikit lupa. Di tahun 2013, bulan September, kau hanyalah mahasiswi semester 3 yang mempunyai banyak mimpi, tapi terlalu takut untuk memulai menjadikannya menjadi sebuah kenyataan. Kau masih ragu (atau mungkin tidak tahu?) bagaimana untuk meyakinkan dirimu sendiri bahwa kau bisa. Kau hanya membayangkan, kau tidak berusaha sama sekali. Tapi kau sangat menyesal sudah menjadi seorang pecundang selama ini. Kau sudah tahu malu untuk terus meminta dan bergantung kepada orang lain. Kau sudah sadar, kau ingin menjadi seseorang yang berguna.

Saat ini, kau yang ada di tahun 2013 sangat-sangat-sangat menyayangi ayah ibumu. Saat aku menulis ini, wajah mereka yang pertama kali aku bayangkan. Mungkin sampai sekarang kau bertanya-tanya kenapa, atau mungkin kau sudah tahu jawabannya? Sebelum menulis ini, mereka meneleponku dari rumah :))) Apakah kau rindu bagaimana rasanya ditelepon ayah hanya sekedar ditanya apakah sudah makan? Atau ibu yang bersemangat sekali menyuruhmu sholat tepat waktu? Semoga kau selalu rindu, ya. Jangan pernah membuat mereka kecewa.

Mungkin 2 poin tadi cukup untuk hari ini. Aku berjanji untuk terus mengirimu time-capsule letter seperti ini lagi nanti. Jawablah pertanyaanmu sendiri, ya. Ingat juga apa yang sudah kau lakukan di bulan ini di tahun 2013.

Jadi, apakah kau sudah berhasil mewujudkan mimpimu? Apakah kau sudah membahagiakan ayah ibumu?

Sampai bertemu lagi di bagian kedua!


My Finished-Doodle #1

Posted by Alviana Afifah at 10:14 PM 0 comments
Hello, fellas.

I do miss writing something on this blog. No lies. Tapi karena kadang-kadang suka gatau mau ngetik apaan, jadi yaaah blognya jadi ngejamur kek gini ~~~(/o)/
Kali ini sayah mau upload hasil doodle-an semalam yang dikerjain di sela-sela belajar filsafat. FYI, readers, sayah lagi UAS ini. Mohon doanya yah, biar hasilnya A semua *puppy eyes* /slapped/

Btw, selain hobi makan dan tidur, sayah juga suka menggambar loh (hakhak..), tapi ga bagus-bagus amat ya soalnya sayah agak males-malesan juga ngerjainnya xD

Ini nih penampakannya (?)

On sketch book with spidol warna ungu hwhwhw

Sebenernya masih dalam masa pembelajaran haha semoga nanti makin berkembang kemampuannya. Aamiin.


Cause-Effect Essay: The Failure of Undergrad Grill

Posted by Alviana Afifah at 6:23 PM 0 comments
          It is a common assumption in the restaurant industry that restaurants fail at an exceedingly high rate. The main cause of the failure is the restaurants are doing poorly. We know that good business strategies are the most essential elements. One restaurant that fails because of its performance is Undergrad Grill. This restaurant shows a lack of business plans and brings a big disaster to its commerce. After considering the failure of Undergrad Grill, I have found three main causes which are: rules, food, and prices.
          The first important cause of the Undergrad Grill's failure is its rules. The owner of this restaurant has set many uncomfortable rules to his customers. There is the sign which is put on the window that contains some rules. First, it says "No bare feet." In some conditions, most people wear sandals, so they are bare feet, and they cannot enter this restaurant. Second, there are no places for smoking at the Undergrad Grill. Third, the customers cannot bring skateboard inside the restaurant. Fourth, the children under age five will never know how its inside looks like. Last, the customers will never have any meal of the restaurant outside its doors because there is no take out service. As a consequence of those unpleasant rules, people perhaps avoid the Undergrad Grill.
          Besides the annoying rules of the Undergrad Grill, the second primary cause is the scarcely menu. This  restaurant has different countries' food such as Japanese food and French food. Consequently, the Undergrad Grill's food style is not dominant. Moreover, people say that the food doesn't look appetizing and it's tasteless since the owner didn't hire the expert cooks to do the cooking. Therefore, the food becomes one of the worst food for the customers.
          The last main cause that people avoid the Undergrad Grill is the prices. Although there are various kinds of dishes in the Undergrad Grill, the cost of each is too high to afford. Comparing its prices with other restaurants, Undergrad Grill's is the most expensive among them. Likewise, the prices of the dishes at the Undergrad Grill are set twice or three times dollars of the other restaurants' prices. Therefore, only a few people are willing to step inside there.
          In conclusion, this restaurant, Undergrad Grill, doesn't have strategies for its business which can make a lot of customers. As we have seen, none of this restaurant's features brings the customers impressiveness. The owner has to revise the rules, food, and prices. If he changes the rules, make original dish, and reduces the prices, Undergrad Grill will be able to capture customers' hearts.


The Awry Beginning

Posted by Alviana Afifah at 3:08 AM 0 comments
Well, yeah, this is my first short-useless posting. Frankly, I don't really know what I'm going to share to you, guys T_T
*dead silence*


Lol, I promise I will improve my skill in writing something spectacular to you. Someday!

Thanks in advance!

Gros bisous!

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